Saturday, January 29, 2011

Day 8 - Someone Who Made Your Life Hell or Treated You Like Shit

Oops. I forgot to do this yesterday. So here it is.


There were a lot of people who treated me bad in school... namely EVERYONE in my class. School sucked. And I'm SO not even going to go into details about that. I, however, treated myself worse than they ever did. I let myself believe that they were right. That I was a loser, a loner, not worth the effort. I let myself believe that my family didn't love me (even though my mind always knew they did, my heart didn't) and that I didn't matter. All of the worst memories I have are times when I didn't believe in myself, when I didn't defend myself against those other mean people. It was like I expected someone else to do it for me. People won't respect you if you don't respect yourself. A lesson well learned.

So yeah... I'm glad I'm not so mean to myself anymore. I hated me. Now I love me. Yay me!