Thursday, July 9, 2009

Hmm... Let's See Here...

Well, I've never had a blog before. I guess I'll start with writing about my reasons for starting a blog. I'm doing the 101 in 1001 challenge. I made a list of 101 goals that I'd like to accomplish in the next 1001 days. My start date was July 6th, 2009. My end date will be April 2nd, 2012. I'm going to post my list here and hopefully update it fairly often. I've already completed some goals, but those are all easy ones that I was already in the process of doing by the time I finished my list.

Anyway, here's the list as of right now.


  1. Write down one good thing that happened every single day in a journal (3/1001)
  2. Take 1 picture a day whether it’s a “good” picture or not. (4/1001)
  3. Take one photo of myself every day! (Can NOT be the same as my daily picture.) (4/1001)
  4. Pray more. Say daily/nightly prayers. (3/1001)
  5. Take a multivitamin EVERY DAY!!! (4/1001)
  6. Brush teeth at least once a day! (3/1001)


  1. Cook at least 1 meal a week. (1/143)
  2. Do 2 groups of 3 sets of push-ups 2 days a week (Trying to raise the amount of pushups I can do at one time.) (1/286)
  3. Do bicycle abs exercise 2 times a week (outside of yoga class) (1/286)
  4. Post 1 inspirational quote in a Facebook note every week. (Also make it my status for the whole day.) (0/143)
  5. Eat some fruit 3 times a week every week! (May increase in number, the farther it gets.) (1/429)
  6. Phone mom to visit at least once a week. (1/143)


  1. Read at least 1 new book every month. (1/33)
  2. Put 50 dollars in my savings account each month (1/33)
  3. Write one silly short story or poem a month and mail it (yes, snail mail) to my little sister. (0/33)
  4. Go through all of my clothes once a month and pack up anything I don’t want/need to send to my mom to send off to charity. (0/33)
  5. Draw at least 1 picture each month. (0/33)

Other Time Related Goals

  1. Drink nothing but water for a week. Twice. (0/2)
  2. Go 30 consecutive days without eating any fast food (including pizza) or junk food (candy, chocolate, chips, pop, etc.) (0/30)
  3. Go 60 consecutive days without drinking iced tea or pop. (Can not be at the same time as the 30 days of no junk food) (0/60)
  4. Drink tea once a month for a year. (0/12)
  5. See at least 1 live play every year. (0/3)


  1. Own a video camera.
  2. Get a cell phone.
  3. Buy good speakers for my/Devon’s computer.
  4. Get subs for the car.
  5. Get a printer/scanner.
  6. Get a bike.
  7. Get a new bed.
  8. Buy new shoes and accessories to go with my gorgeous black dress.
  9. Buy a new swimsuit.
  10. Get some sort of decorations for the balcony.
  11. Get a Buddha board .
  12. Get a sewing machine.

Other Financial

  1. Have $1000 in my savings account.
  2. Have $2000 in my savings account.
  3. Have $3000 in my savings account.
  4. Have $4000 in my savings account.
  5. Get a raise.
  6. Pay off the rest of my student loans. (Less than 3 grand to go!)
  7. For every incomplete goal put $10 in my savings and an additional $1 for every complete goal. (Amount may or may not be increased depending on my financial situation.)
  8. Pay mom back the money that I owe her.

Important People and Things

  1. Host a gathering for family in which I cook a large meal.
  2. Visit some people from my past to let them know how thankful I am for their help and encouragement and to let them know how I’m doing.
  3. Make Brian a bracelet and send it to him.
  4. Photo booth pictures with Richelle.
  5. Go spend 3 days in Vancouver with my god mother.
  6. Write letters to 5 important people in my life and mail them. Possibly add pictures inside them.
  7. Have flowers delivered to someone I care about.
  8. Visit my parents and little sister at least once every two months.
  9. Take my mother out for supper, just us two. And maybe go see a movie together.
  10. Check out 10 library books and leave a secret or inspirational quote in them upon return (0/10)
  11. Make a family collage (In this case, family doesn't mean just blood relatives. It means everyone I'm very close too whether they're family or friends. After all, friends are the family that you get to choose for yourself.)


  1. Stay at some hot springs/go skiing with Devon.
  2. Go on a picnic with Devon. (complete with blanket and basket of PB & J sandwiches lol)
  3. Get Devon to go to at least 1 yoga class with me.
  4. Photo booth pictures with Devon.
  5. Go to a drive in movie.
  6. Dress up REALLY fancy with Devon to go out for supper at a nice restaurant.
  7. Get engaged (and/or) married.
  8. Design and wear my own wedding dress. (Okay, I know technically this isn’t about Devon, but he’ll be the one I’m marrying, so it fits into this category well enough, lol)
  9. Sleep under the stars.


  1. Label all of Devon’s and my movies and videogames.
  2. Stop leaving dishes in the living room and make a habit of bringing them into the kitchen right away.
  3. Go through my stuff that’s still in mom’s house and try down-size everything.
  4. Bring my desk from mom’s house and use it to replace the piece of junk desk that I am currently using.
  5. Go through all my jewelry, get rid of all the things I don’t wear and buy myself some good earrings
  6. Write another 50 pages for my book. (8/50)
  7. Finish designing my tattoo.
  8. Get a tattoo.
  9. Get a second job.
  10. (private)
  11. Start taking yoga twice a week. (Or doing a full yoga routine at home once a week outside of my weekly yoga class.)
  12. Make a habit of going out to sit on the balcony on nice sunny days. I can tan without being at the beach!
  13. Make a habit of going for nice long walks! Find a route that I really like, possibly one that takes me down by the river.
  14. Bring my Bible from mom’s house and start reading it again. Read it from cover to cover.
  15. Be able to do the wheel in yoga. (Upgraded Bridge pose)


  1. Get a passport.
  2. Travel outside of Canada for a period of at least 3 days.
  3. Swim in an ocean.
  4. Go for a walk on the beach during the night.
  5. Go camping at least once every summer. (2009/2010/2011)
  6. Visit a museum.
  7. Go to a zoo
  8. Take a dance class of some sort.
  9. Take a random class just because it sounds interesting and I’d like to learn.
  10. Spend an afternoon in a large cemetery, maybe write some poetry, draw, or just sit and think.
  11. Try set up bowling nights more often. Try to get up to bowling once a week.

The Rest

  1. Make at least 50 bracelets.
  2. Sell some bracelets.
  3. Move out of this apartment (I may have to change this one, but it will have something to do with living arrangements, even if it’s just starting up a fund to save money for a house in the future.)
  4. Send 3 secrets to Post Secret (0/3)
  5. 1 millions grains of rice for (1470/1,000,000)
  6. Go to church in 5 different churches. (0/5)
  7. Start learning French again.
  8. Ride a horse.
  9. Drink a whole beer by myself. (In an hour or less)
  10. Make an article of clothing and actually wear it.
  11. Start up a blog and actually update it.

100. TBD

101. At the end of 101 days, make a new 101 list. Carry over any unfinished (but still wanted) goals to that list.

I guess I've got half of 99 done now too. Anyway, this is my first blog. Yay for me, lol.

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