They're bad. I mean - unless you consider antibiotics and pain killers as drugs at which point, they can be bad, but they can also be good. Like when I was in the hospital with a burst cyst on my ovaries... Morphine was my friend. But I know some people who say Marijuana is fine... I disagree. Any mind altering substance is bad. I mean - there are anti-depression pills and stuff like that for people who have actual chemical imbalances in their brains but for the most part it's bad. Which includes alcohol.
Alcohol makes you act differently than when you're sober. Some people say that you can't blame them for what they do when they're drunk because they were drunk and didn't know what they were doing. Well I blame them anyway. You have the choice as to whether or not you drink and therefore choosing not to get drunk is the same as choosing to be in control of your actions. ESPECIALLY if you've been drunk often enough that you KNOW how you get when you're drunk. We've all heard the classic descriptions of drunk people: The happy drunk, the angry drunk, the flirty drunk, etc. If you know you get angry and violent when you're drunk and you choose to get drunk anyway... DAMN RIGHTS I'm going to blame you for your actions when you're drunk! And then there are the people who say they "like" to drink. Okay. You like to drink. So do I. I drink Iced Tea usually. Sometimes water and sometimes pop. I drink a lot, but I choose drinks that don't impair my mind. People say that beer is an "acquired" taste. Do you know what that means? It's gross, but you wanted to drink (most likely because that's what everyone else was doing, although there ARE exceptions to this rule) and so you drank it until you got used to it. And now you can tell what the "good" kinds are and what the "bad" kinds are or if a specific beer is supposed to be good but the batch must have been bad.
Now, before I write an essay and a half, I'm going to stop there and just say that I'm not saying people should never have a drink in their lives because alcohol is bad period. You had a long day at work and want to come home and have a cold beer? Sure. An old friend happens to be in town and you wanna go out for a few drinks? Sure. But be willing to take responsibility for your actions! And if you know you're an angry of violent drunk... DON'T GET DRUNK! Really. Seriously people. It doesn't seem that hard to me.
But anyway, I'm going to stop here before I continue to rant and you get bored of reading. And never come back. That would make me sad. I may cry. Just so you know.
Have a good day everyone!
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