So I started doing those two goals a while back - Drink nothing but water for a week, and Eat no fast food or junk food for 30 days.
Well, the water thing was going well. Today would be my last day. But on Friday, we had a surprise birthday party for my brother. And there was NO WAY I was sitting around drinking water while everyone else had pop and/or alcohol. So I drank Pepsi and started my water drinking again on Saturday. So today is day 4 and I'm going strong.
As for the healthy eating - I'm doing very well. I AM eating healthy and haven't had any fast food. I've been cooking more meals and stuff like that. But then I realized - I've been eating junk food. I had about 2 bites of cheese cake at the birthday party. I had about 10 chips when Devon and I were sitting down to play Little Big Planet 2 together (AWESOME GAME BY THE WAY) and yes, I had a little chocolate last night at the Sweet Spa. Am I going to count this goal failed? Not at all. I'm doing amazing. In fact, I've been weighing myself every day since I started (right when I wake up, after I go pee and before I eat anything, the way it's supposed to be done to tell your true weight) and I'm down a couple pounds. Which scares me. I'm not supposed to lose weight. But I AM eating healthier and - now for the most exciting part - I'm ENJOYING it! So let's see where this takes me. I'm not giving in to cravings for this or that or the other thing, but the occasional small desert is fine. Other than that though? Nope, not me! I CAN keep going with this goal, but I'm not going to feel bad over the little things.
I think that the goal is not to eat an excess of junk food....a couple bites here or there is normal. Way to go!