Saturday, February 12, 2011

Day 22 - Something You Wish You Hadn't Done In Your Life

I wish I hadn't been so mean to my mother when I was younger. People say "oh he/she is just being a teenager" but that's bullshit. I was horrible to my mother and there's no way I can erase the pain I caused her in the past. It happened, and I have to live with that. As always though, I try to work hard, toward the future. To better myself and to be nicer to people. I love my mom and always have, there's no excuse for how mean I was.

1 comment:

  1. You know what I did? I called mom and apologized for everything that I could think of that I did to/ said to her growing up that was wrong. It made me feel a lot better. Suprisingly enough, mom was like "what? huh?" for half the stuff, and the other half she was like "I forgave you for that a long time ago and haven't thought of it since"
